Satyamev Jayate : 6th May 2012
Satyamev Jayate is the first show ever in the history of Indian Television to be aired simultaneously on a private channel network STAR and a national broadcaster Doordarshan. The show is also dubbed in several languages including three Indian southern languages viz., Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu, along with Bengali and Marathi. Apart from Star Plus, the show will also have simulcast on STAR World, STAR Utsav, STAR Pravah, STAR Jalsha, Asianet and STAR Vijay within the STAR Network and other channels including DD National and Eenadu TV. The show was also dubbed into Kannada, but was however not broadcast in the language, due to a self-imposed and self-enforced ban by the Karnataka Government, which does not allow a dubbed version of any serial or movie to telecast in the state. The Kannada Film Industry, however, does approve Kannada remakes of the same.After the first episode went on air, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray asked Karnataka goverment to allow the show to be aired. On the issue, Thacheray commented that "This show must not be tied up inparochial chains or barred from the public. This is our view."Also Khan himself requested Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce to allow the show in Karnataka.However, the first episode in Kannada was later released into show's official site.Besides India the show also aired to over 100 countries around the world.On the broadcast of the show, Khan commented, "This show is being launched on a large scale. I had to make complete use of this medium. This is a baby step in that direction."
The show telecasts on Sundays at 11 am IST ( 5:30 UTC). While the producers were high on showcasing it in the prime time at 9 pm,Khan wanted to telecast it on Sunday mornings since the slot is commonly considered as "family TV viewing" in Indian Television, after popular TV shows Mahabharata and Ramayana were aired on Sunday mornings and were highly successful. He was reported saying, "I wanted to telecast my show on Sunday morning. I want each family to watch the show and connect with it. We have watched Ramayana and Mahabarata and it used to come on Sunday morning. The shows created a different atmosphere."